Guide for Support Attestation Application (Straight to Vet Processing URL)
Landing Page
User will be directed to the first screen of the SHA application via a hyperlink.
This screen displays a system message from DAERA and asks the user what the attestation is related to, the user can select an option from the dropdown list and click 'Next' to proceed to Step 1.
The related attestations (see the Service Administration Documentation - Attestation Types) and System Message text (see Service Administration Documentation - Public Message Display)
Step 1 of 3: Support Attestation Application Details
On this screen the Support Attestation Application Details will be captured.
The green text box on this screen is configurable.
These details include the following mandatory fields: Requesting Exporter, Email Address, Confirm Email Address, Phone Number, Dispatch Premises, Commodity, Product Details, Destination, Processing Vet, Date of Loading, Time of Loading and Form reference number.
Destination Countries, Commodities and Attestation Types are configurable.
Private Vets are configurable.
These details include the following non-mandatory fields: Exporter Reference and Comments.
Once all mandatory fields have been entered, user can click 'Next' to proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 of 3: Documents
On this screen documents for the application will be captured.
These include a pdf version of the SHA application and any supporting documentation.
To upload a file, user can click 'Add Files' button.
To successfully upload a SHA PDF Application the document selected using 'Add File' must contain the PDF text field SHAOLN number i.e. SHOALN_0, SHOALN_1 etc. This ensures a DAERA issued template is used and the unique number is printed on each page of the document.
If the field is missing, the file will not be uploaded and the following message will be displayed: "This is not a SHA template. Please obtain a SHA from DAERA.".
Uploading a SHA PDF Application is mandatory in order to proceed to Step 3.
Step 3 of 3: Declarations
In order to submit the SHA application the 'I confirm I have read and understood the above statements' checkbox must be selected.
The declaration text is static data configuration.
Application Submitted
Once the SHA application has been successfully submitted the user will be presented with the following screen which includes a unique reference ID.